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Maximizing ROI for Cybersecurity Programs

Show Me My Potential ROI

38% of companies reallocated their budgets after using Kovrr’s platform, realizing that a significant amount of their budget wasn’t allocated to elevating security controls that would yield a lower financial exposure.

Cybersecurity spending is growing, however, securing budgets and relaying the importance of specific cybersecurity initiatives to non-technical stakeholders is still a challenge. The ability to calculate return on investment on current cybersecurity initiatives allows for alignment based on business impact, a clear framework for prioritization, and one language for communication.  

How Can I Calculate ROI? 

With Kovrr's cybersecurity control ROI calculator, understanding the financial benefits of various control upgrades is a straightforward process. Leverage this handy tool to cost-effectively improve your cybersecurity risk posture.  

Show Me My Potential ROI

Calculating ROI on Cybersecurity Investments Allows You to: 

Demonstrate how your security controls reduce risk in monetary terms to the board of directors. Instead of presenting them with technical cyber risk metrics they don't tangibly understand, offer them the direct financial implications of your cyber program. Speak to them in broader business terms that resonate.

Prioritize and justify projects, mitigation, and response initiatives with data and financial proof when building out what-if scenarios. Explore the approaches which both yield the maximum reduction in financial exposure due to cyber risk and a positive ROI. Demonstrate resource optimization and alignment with goals.

Build a cyber risk management program that you can consistently track over time. With financial exposure metrics, it's easy for non-technical executives to visualize how each cybersecurity control upgrade has contributed to a safer cyber environment. Use the Cyber Risk Progression feature document this progress.

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Start Maximizing the ROI of Your Cybersecurity Program

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