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Cybersecurity Maturity Assessments for
Data-Driven Programs

Kovrr's cyber maturity assessments, enriched by quantified event likelihoods and financial loss forecasts, provide comprehensive, communicable insights into an organization's ability to identify, contain, and respond to cyber risks. Get an assessment today.

Industry Recognition
Discover Cyber Readiness Levels and Develop Targeted Strategies

Analyze Cybersecurity Posture and Maturity

By leveraging Kovrr's maturity assessment, chief information security officers and other cybersecurity leaders can quickly determine how well their organizations are prepared to withstand cyber risks amid the current digital landscape.

Quantify Cyber Risk and Vulnerability Levels

Kovrr's CRQ platform quantifies framework maturity levels and cybersecurity posture into event and loss scenario likelihoods and respective potential financial damages. The common business language ensures swift communication with all key stakeholders.

Evaluate Security Control Gaps

Explore which control areas fail to achieve desired outcomes, either company-wide or according to specific business units. Create initiatives to close these security control gaps and determine the most cost-effective strategies.

Review Custom Recommendations

Kovrr offers customized upgrade recommendations according to cybersecurity maturity frameworks, revealing how much, both on the high end and on average, an organization's financial exposure would be reduced if the security control matured.

Prioritize Risk Mitigation Initiatives

With comprehensive insights, Kovrr's CRQ assessment empowers organizations to generate priority-based mitigation programs. Due to limited budgeting and resources, this prioritization is key, equipping cybersecurity teams to make the greatest impact.

Align Strategies With Business Goals

Quantified assessment results aid cybersecurity leaders in aligning strategies with other stakeholders and, ultimately, the broader business mission. Executives can find areas for collaboration and adequately balance innovation and protective cyber measures.

Schedule a meeting today to learn more about Kovrr’s cyber maturity assessments!
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Gaining An Advantage With a Quantified Cyber Maturity Assessment

Systematically Reduce Cyber Risk

A quantified cyber maturity assessment provides a defensible framework that cybersecurity leaders can use to elevate cybersecurity programs systematically. Instead of relying on personal judgment or outdated methodologies, organizations can harness Kovrr's reusable and data-agnostic approach, ensuring continuous mitigation and improvement that can be measured according to common business metrics.

Foster Key Stakeholder Buy-In

Kovrr's cyber maturity assessment bolstered with quantified insights provides CISOs and other cyber risk managers with results that are easily understood at the highest organizational levels. Garnering the necessary resources for cybersecurity requires support from key stakeholders. By transforming maturity levels into event likelihoods and financial exposures, budget justification becomes much more straightforward.

Highlight Success and Bolster Trust

Utilizing Kovrr's CRQ-enhanced maturity assessment enables cybersecurity leaders to demonstrate the progress they've made in terms of minimizing the organization's likelihood of experiencing an event and the overall financial exposure due to cyber activities. Thanks to these broader business metrics to showcase their achievements, non-technical stakeholders develop confidence in cybersecurity efforts.

NIST cybersecurity framework graphic

Demonstrate Governance and Compliance

Quantified cyber maturity assessments are an excellent approach for demonstrating compliance and highlighting board members' role in overseeing cybersecurity matters. Quantified benchmarks signify that organizations have reached specific cybersecurity standards and can likewise communicate that the necessary resources have been invested in mitigating cyber risk. As global regulations expand, this compliance becomes all the more important.

Schedule a meeting today to learn more about Kovrr’s cyber maturity assessments!
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How the CRQ Cyber Maturity Assessment Works

  • 1

    Assess Cyber Maturity Levels

    Get a subject matter expert-led audit of cybersecurity maturity levels according to the preferred framework, such as NIST, CIS, or ISO, and explore quantified event likelihoods and financial loss forecasts.

  • 2

    Map Maturity Within CRQ Platform

    After maturity levels have been assessed, the relative implementation levels of each control are input into Kovrr's CRQ platform according to the chosen framework. They can be updated as needed.

  • 3

    Review Gaps and Recommendations

    Once the quantification has been run, CRQ platform users can explore gaps in their control posture and view specific initiative recommendations to reduce the financial exposure of various event types.

  • 4

    Determine Target Framework Levels

    With the quantified data, cybersecurity leaders can determine which control groups require further investment and which are robust enough, subsequently aligning programs with available resources, budget, and risk appetite levels.

  • 5

    Calculate Cyber Initiative ROI

    Kovrr's cybersecurity ROI calculator reveals whether the cost of implementation will ultimately produce a positive return. Leveraging these financial calculations, cybersecurity leaders can more easily garner additional resources from boards.

  • 6

    Mitigate Risk and Update Platform

    CISOs can start pursuing their cybersecurity uplift strategies, feeling confident in the event forecasts. After a few months, security control levels can be upgraded to match the progress that's been made.

  • 7

    Demonstrate Cybersecurity Success

    Kovrr's CRQ cyber maturity assessment translates cyber risk management progress into terms board members and non-technical executives tangibly understand, empowering CISOs with the language to showcase the outcomes of investments.

Schedule a meeting today to learn more about Kovrr’s cyber maturity assessments!
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Cyber Maturity Assessment FAQs

Speak to an Expert

What is a cybersecurity maturity assessment?

What are the benefits of quantifying cybersecurity maturity levels?

Can I compare my cybersecurity risk levels against my peers?

Can maturity levels easily be updated to reflect progress?