Kovrr Product Demo
The #1 Cyber Risk Quantification Platform

Kovrr CRQ Product Demo FAQs
Speak to an Expert to Learn MoreWhat are the benefits of Kovrr’s Cyber-Sphere methodology?
Kovrr's Cyber-Sphere enables CISOs to break down their organizations into various asset groups based on their respective relationships with third-party service providers, relative access to data records, and other factors that influence financial exposure to cyber events. This capability provides CISOs with a more granular view of risk rather than only a holistic assessment, allowing for more targeted mitigation initiatives.
From where do Kovrr’s models get their data about third-party risk?
Kovrr's models have access to an extensive set of continuously updated data sources, collecting more than 1 million data points daily. Many of these data points are related to third-party service provider cyber events and vulnerabilities, including business interruptions and liability costs. Leveraging this information in relation to the way your organization relates to these various third parties, Kovrr's CRQ can model your correlating financial exposure and risk likelihoods.
Why does Kovrr’s dashboard present the entire loss exceedance curve?
The loss exceedance curve provides the entire spectrum of potential loss amounts your organization may face, along with the respective likelihood of occurrence. This breakdown offers a more realistic perspective for CISOs, demonstrating the variety of financial damage scenarios that are possible within the upcoming year. It consequently aids in effective decision-making, allowing for strategic planning and the implementation of targeted risk mitigation measures.
How does Kovrr’s cybersecurity ROI calculator work?
Because Kovrr's cyber risk quantification can calculate the reduction in financial exposure when various security controls are upgraded, determining ROI becomes relatively straightforward. Using the free, built-in calculator, CISOs can input their expected cost of implementing the relative upgrade. If the cost is less than the expected financial savings, the Kovrr's calculator will show a positive ROI.